Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1877

Catalogi codicum monasteriorum Laureshamensis III et Fuldensis I

nach Mitte 9. Jh. / vor 850 / um 830-840 / wohl um 830

The manuscript consists of four originally independent parts: Fascicle I (foll. 1-34: Lorscher Bibliothekskatalog HÄSE C) was presumably written around 860 in Lorsch, fascicle II (foll. 35-43: Fuldaer Bibliothekskatalog SCHRIMPF B1-5) before 850 in Fulda, fascicle III (foll. 44-66: Lorscher Bibliothekskatalog HÄSE B) was copied around 830-840 presumably from West Franconian scribes, fascicle IV (foll. 67-79: Lorscher Bibliothekskatalog HÄSE A) was probably written in Lorsch around 830.

DOI / Citation link:  
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-45561  
Metadata: METS

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