Bukarest, Biblioteca Naţională a României (Alba lulia, Biblioteca Documentară Batthyáneum), Ms R II 1

"Lorscher Evangeliar": Matthaeus et Marcus

Hofschule Karls d.Gr., Anfang 9. Jh. (vor 814)

The "Lorsch Gospels" are today split into two parts. The second part with the gospels of St. Luke and St. John as well as the Comes is today held in the Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 50.
The ivory panels, which originally decorated the front cover of the manuscript and depict scenes from the life of Mary, are today held in London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Inv.-Nr. 138-1866. The panels depicting scenes from the life of Christ were formerly attached to the back cover and are today held together with the Vatican text part under the same shelfmark Pal. lat. 50.
The digital images from pag. 16-17 were taken from the facsimile published in 2000: Faksimile - Das Lorscher Evangeliar (Ausgabe 1999), © Faksimile Verlag in der inmediaONE] GmbH Gütersloh/München.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.11588/diglit.15252  
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-152521  


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