- Content of the Database
- Structure of the Database
- Search
- Search Result List
- Display of Records
- Further Features
Content of the Database
The content of the database, as well as the structure and the display of data records, corresponds to the guidelines for the manuscript descriptions. The search and description categories are provided in German and English, whereas the content of the database is only in German.
Structure of the Database
Principally the ‘Exterior’
and the ‘Content’
of a manuscript are listed in separate data records. With respect to the ‘Content’, all textual entities are listed in separate data records and are linked to the corresponding record of their ‘Exterior’.
Composite Manuscripts: If a manuscript consists of several codicological parts, the manuscript has one overall record
. It is linked with the records concerning the ‘Exterior’
of the individual parts of a composite manuscript and their corresponding ‘Content’ records
General Information on Search Functions
The following points will help a more effective search:
- Capital Letters in spelling can be neglected.
- Punctuation marks are not taken into account (i.e.: “Pal. lat, 554;” as well as “Pal lat 554” will find “Pal. lat. 554”).
- Truncation: With an asterisk (*) words can be truncated left and right (i.e.: “*deutschland” will find “Deutschland”, “Süddeutschland”, “Westdeutschland” etc.; “ital*” will find “italienisch”, “Italien” etc.).
- Boolean Operator: If two words are entered into one search field, they automatically are linked with an “and”. If you want to link two words with an “or” or “not” please use additional search fields.
- Keyword and Phrase Search: Generally the order of words entered into a search field is irrelevant (i.e.: “condita ab urbe” will find “Ab urbe condita”). Only the category “Title” can be searched for exact phrases, where the order of words is relevant.
Search (all fields)
With the simple search option you can search all indexed information (Tip: The category “language” can only be searched by a separate dropdown-list – see below).
Advanced Search
In the top search field a search can be confined to the following categories, through the use of the dropdown-list.

- Holding institution: All places and names of institutions can be found, i.e. “Karlsruhe” or “Badische Landesbibliothek”. For an overview of all holding institutions see the dropdown-list “Holding Institution”.
- Shelfmark: All shelfmarks can be found, as listed in the manuscript descriptions (Tip: Search by using the fixed components of the shelfmark, i.e. “179” for “4° Cod. ms. 179”, and refine the list of results by using the faceted navigation, see above for punctuation). For an overview of all shelfmarks see the dropdown-list “Shelfmark”.
- Place of origin: All places of origin (regardless of whether they are definite, probable or questionable) can be found, as listed in the manuscript descriptions (see overview of places of origin) (Tip: see truncation).
- Provenance: All provenances can be found, as listed in the manuscripts descriptions (see overview of provenances) (Tip: see truncation). The “Comments on Provenance” are included into the search.
- Author/Person: Here the categories “Author” and “Involved persons” are searched. The names are standardized and are found according to the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) (see overview of authors).
- Title: The search includes standardized titles according to academic repertories and the handwritten title in the manuscript (Rubric).
Title Phrase: Here the correct order of words is important. - Incipit/Initium: Beginnings of texts in standardized from (according to the classical Latin spelling) can be found.
- Subject: All keywords regarding the form and content can be searched (see overview of subjects). For the content keywords the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) is applied. Through this function the listed references can also be found.
- Standard Number/PPN: This offers the possibility to search for data records through ID-numbers.
Time of origin: By selecting one or more of the boxes you can quickly and easily confine the search to single centuries.

Further Search Options: For the following three categories – Script, Style of Lorsch Script, and Language – separate dropdown lists are provided, here the relevant search term can be selected directly.

Limit search to certain types of records: Here you can narrow a search to records regarding the ‘Exterior’ of the manuscripts (incl. overall records of composite manuscripts
) or to records concerning the ‘Content’ of the manuscripts
Search Result List
Sort by: The search results are sorted chronologically (ascending). The sorting function is currently being optimized.
Faceted navigation: With the help of the faceted navigation you can confine a search according to different categories.
Electronic version: In the search result list you will find a direct link to the digital manuscript.

Display of Records
For the structure and content of data records see Content of the Database.
At the end of every record on ‘Exterior’ there is a link “Included fascicles/fragments or works” to all corresponding records of ‘Content’.

Parallel hereto there is a link in the ‘Content’ record to return to the corresponding ‘Exterior’ record.

Electronic version: At the end of every record you will find a direct link to the digital manuscript.
Further Features
- Search history: Under search history you can view all searches made in one session.
- Cart: When consulting search result lists and displayed data records, single data sets can be saved in the cart and added to your selection of records.